Ballilees MinPins

Photos used with permission from owner

The Miniature Pinscher is NOT a bred down version of the Doberman Pinscher. Actually the Miniature Pinscher is an older breed than the Doberman and no relation whatsoever. Many historians and those who have researched the background of the breed agree that the ancestors of the Min Pin most likely include a combination of the smaller German smooth-haired Pinschers, the Italian Greyhound and the Smooth Dachshund. The Min Pin is structurally a well-balanced, sturdy, compact, smooth-coated, naturally well-groomed toy dog and is proud, vigorous and playful even in old age. He is easy to train, alert, fearless and very possessive of his loved ones, which make him a great watch dog. Min Pins believe and act like they are much larger!

He’s an ideal playmate and companion for young and old alike - all that one would want in a house dog - really a big dog in a small beautiful package, admired and respected wherever he goes. Spending only a few minutes with one makes it obvious that he really earns the title “King of Toys”. The Min Pin is animated, intensely curious and full of vim and vigor. Because of his high energy levels and inquisitiveness, the Min Pin bears close watching. He investigates everything and will go to great lengths to do so - which includes being an “escape artist”. Depending on his mood on any particular day, he can leave onlookers and even their owner in stitches with their antics. As typical of the Min Pin personality, the more a crowd laughs, the more he will dis-perform! However, he definitely has his serious moments in the ring and many have earned the highest obedience ratings and titles possible.

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Retirement Couch
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General Info
Prestige: 0.0 (#104,587)
Location: USA
Signed Up: 1/31/2007
Account Level: Basic
Last Visit: 9/5/2007

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